Always a problem. Always a solution.

The Problem

This is Beta, Stacey’s dog. She’s cute, clever and a little rascal. She’s small, fast and a runner.

Beta in Santa Monica, California

This is the rear car gate and driveway in our back yard. Take note of the gap between the gate and the ground. That is a recipe for escape.

Installing a carpet flap on the bottom of our car gate to keep Beta in

The Solution

Mud flaps… or something like that.

There happened to be a couple pieces of carpet in the driveway. I think they’re there to deal with muddy days. Or whatever. I got out some tools, cut one piece of carpet into a few strips and punched some holes into them.

Installing a carpet flap on the bottom of our car gate to keep Beta in

Installing a carpet flap on the bottom of our car gate to keep Beta in

I used some rubber coated steel wire cut into ~18″ lengths to tie the strips of carpet to the fence.

Installing a carpet flap on the bottom of our car gate to keep Beta in

Installing a carpet flap on the bottom of our car gate to keep Beta in

In the end, it’s a little bit low rent and not the prettiest thing in the world. But you know what? It kept Beta from going under the gate (which is the first place she checked when I let her out of the house after I was done) which meant that she and Civ (and the landlord’s dogs Ezra and Madison) could run wild and free all day in two yards and the tennis court. It also meant That I could have all seven doors open all day enjoying the beautiful weather and sunshine. A win for all of us. Additionally, both Civ and Beta are tuckered the hell out from running around all day. And that is why we picked this house as our new home.

Installing a carpet flap on the bottom of our car gate to keep Beta in

PS. The gate can even still open. It just needs to be lifted upward a little bit more than usual. A small price to pay in my mind.

Installing a carpet flap on the bottom of our car gate to keep Beta in

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