Unused LA Ruby Conf Shirt Design Mock

Unused LA Ruby Conf Shirt Design Mock

LA Ruby Conf is coming real soon. A while back (at RubyConf 10 in San Francisco Burlingame) I talked with Coby Randquist about submitting a design that would be considered for the conference tshirts. I whipped on up with these ideas in my: 1) no red / ruby / gem imagery, 2) no nerd conf shirt look. I mean, I know we’re all nerds and we’re not ashamed of it. But I get tired of the same old shirts at everyone of these things. So with that in mind, I decided on grey with no images, one column of justified variable weight Helvetica (duh) run most of the length on the front of a shirt. Light grey text on dark grey shirt.

I think it would’ve be nice, but oh well. If anyone else wants to use this general design for another conference (or whatever), feel free to. I’ll even send you my Illustrator file or I could modify it to fit your needs. If your event is something that I especially like, all I ask is for a printed shirt in return.

Unused LA Ruby Conf Shirt Design Mock

Originally published at: http://sbb.me/b44D3

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